The Joy of Sailing Screening!

Today is the premiere of our short documentary “The Joy of Sailing” on AMI television networks and we have a public screening at the Kelowna Yacht Club. Jiri was interviewed about the film by Brady Strachan this morning on CBC Daybreak South.

Advance Operation Licensed

The new and very strick rules for operating drones in Canada are in effect since June 1st and in order to fly, one has to be fully licensed by Transport Canada. We are now one of the first companies licensed for Advanced Operations. That means, we are able to leagally fly near airports, heliports, urban […]

Interior Health Production Completed

We have completed several videos for Interior Health, featuring their program Physician Quality Improvement. It’s always so interesting to be able to see other people’s world, what they do, why and how. From Volvo Construction machines, to water management, to the health system, the always changing topics that we cover in our work make our […]

A River Film Wins Main Award

Our film received the 2018 Oregon Film Awards main prize – Platinum Award in Documentary Feature Competition. The Oregon International Film Awards® are presented each year in several categories including four top recognition levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. Awards are limited and presented only to those films and filmmakers that demonstrate a superior level […]

Gold in Alaska

Well, maybe not gold, but certainly some very large trucks. A fun job making a 10-minute mini documentary about the new Volvo A60 articulated hauler truck, as well as taking stills and upon our return back to Kelowna, writing an article for Volvo Spirit magazine. Eventhough we did spend a couple of days right at […]

Flooding USA 2018 Last week we have delivered a 10 minute aerial film showing the devastation of the flooding south of the Osoyoos Lake in the Washington State. Another project for the Washington State Department of Ecology.

A River Film Screening at NOAA

We took part in the film screening for NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in Portland, Oregon. The screening was followed by an enthusiastic Q&A, with many scientific water and salmon-focused questions, mostly answered by Al Josephy from the Washington State Depratment of Ecology.